
On behalf of Libertyville Township Road District, we would like to welcome you to the project website for the Oak Spring Road Bridge Replacement project. This bridge replacement project will utilize Surface Transportation Program Bridge (STP-BR), Township Bridge Program (TBP) local funds for the bridge replacement and reconstruction of the east and west bridge approaches.  The project is being administered and has been awarded through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). 

This bridge replacement will be completed on Oak Spring Road, over the Des Plaines River., in Libertyville Township, Lake County for a total distance of 643 feet (0.13 miles).

The project is scheduled to begin July 8th, 2024, weather permitting, and we anticipate the project being substantially completed by Summer 2025. Weather and unforeseen circumstances may adversely affect the proposed schedule.

In accordance with the Libertyville Township Road District policies, daily working hours for the construction project are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. There is currently no work anticipated on Sundays or legal, observed holidays.

Oak Spring Road will be closed at the bridge, over the Des Plaines River, during construction.  Oak Spring Road will be closed to through traffic.  A detour route will be in place throughout the project duration.  See included map for more detail.  The detour route will use Second Street, Church Street, Fourth Avenue, IL. Route 176, and Saint Mary’s Road.

It is anticipated that the Lake Minear parking, Des Plaines River Trail path, and all residential driveways and streets will be accessible throughout the duration of the construction. Conversely, the Des Plaines River Trail spur to the LCFPD Canoe Launch and the Canoe Launch parking lot will be closed.

The project team thanks you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this project. Motorists and pedestrians approaching the work zone are urged to pay close attention to orange signs and flaggers in work zones, obey posted speed limits, avoid cell phone use, be alert for construction workers and equipment, and obey closures and safety measures.

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