Pier and Cofferdam Construction Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, the contractor continued work on the Oak Spring Road Bridge Replacement project. Earth excavation in the west cofferdam for the west pier was completed, and all shell piles for the east pier were successfully driven. In addition, the contractor completed driving the test piles for both the west pier and the west abutment. Concrete forms and rebar were installed for the east pier, preparing the site for the next phase of construction.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor plans to pour the concrete stem for the east pier. Work will continue on the west pier with the completion of driving shell piles. The contractor also anticipates framing and pouring the concrete cap for the east pier.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Pier Construction and Cofferdam Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, the contractor successfully completed earth excavation in the east cofferdam for the east pier, preparing the site for further construction. Additionally, the installation of the west cofferdam for the proposed west pier was completed. The contractor began dewatering and earth excavation in the west cofferdam and started driving the shell piles for the east pier, advancing the pier construction process.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor plans to complete earth excavation in the west cofferdam for the west pier. Following this, the contractor will drive the test pile for the west pier and the test pile for the west abutment. The contractor anticipates completing the driving of shell piles for the east pier and moving forward with forming and pouring the east pier.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Cofferdam Installation and Test Pile Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, the project overcame the conflict with the MCI cable that affected the east cofferdam installation. MCI successfully installed an aerial temporary fiber optic line on August 17, enabling the contractor to continue work. The contractor completed the installation of the east cofferdam for the proposed east pier and began work on the west cofferdam for the proposed west pier. Additionally, dewatering and earth excavation commenced in the east cofferdam, preparing the site for further construction. Test piles for both the east pier and east abutment were driven.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor plans to continue installing the west cofferdam for the proposed west pier. Completion of the earth excavation in the east cofferdam for the east pier is anticipated, along with the beginning of pile installation for the retaining wall on the west side of the river.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Bridge Demolition and Causeway Construction Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, the contractor successfully completed the demolition of the existing bridge deck, beams, and piers for all four bridge spans. Additionally, the tops of both existing bridge abutments were removed. The contractor constructed the causeway on the west side of the river and adjusted the turbidity curtain around the causeways on both sides of the river to maintain environmental protections. Installation of the east cofferdam for the proposed east pier began. During this process, a conflict was encountered with an MCI cable. MCI is expected to install a temporary aerial fiber optic line over the weekend to allow the contractor to proceed with the east cofferdam installation.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor anticipates completing the installation of the east cofferdam for the proposed east pier. Once this is achieved, dewatering, excavation, and the placement of stone within the cofferdam are expected to follow. The contractor also plans to drive test piles for the proposed east pier and east abutment. Additionally, work will begin on the installation of the west cofferdam for the proposed west pier, setting the stage for the next phase of the project.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Bridge Demolition Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, work resumed on the Oak Spring Road Bridge Replacement project after being halted due to high water levels, strong river currents, and the displacement of the in-stream turbidity curtain from recent rain events. The contractor re-installed the turbidity curtain around the east half of the bridge and continued with the demolition of the bridge deck and piers from the existing two east bridge spans. Additionally, the turbidity curtain was installed around the west half of the bridge in preparation for the demolition of the remaining sections of the bridge.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor anticipates continuing with the demolition of the bridge deck and piers from the existing two west bridge spans. The contractor also plans to reset the turbidity curtains around the abutments and begin the installation of the east cofferdam, a critical step in preparing the site for the next phases of construction.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Weather Delays and Upcoming Schedule

Week in Review:

Work has been shut down again this week due to high water levels, strong river currents, and the displacement of the in-stream turbidity curtain caused by recent rain events.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

The contractor plans to continue with the bridge demolition as soon as the water level returns to safe working conditions, which is anticipated to be Monday, August 5th. Monitoring of the water levels will continue to ensure the safety of the crew and the effectiveness of the erosion control measures in place.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Weather Delays and Upcoming Schedule

Week in Review

This past week, the contractor was unable to perform work due to high water levels. The recent rain events have caused the river water level to rise to an unsafe level for work to continue on the bridge demolition.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor plans to resume bridge demolition as soon as the water levels recede to safe working conditions. Monitoring of the water levels will continue to ensure the safety of the crew and the effectiveness of the erosion control measures in place.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Bridge Demolition and Weather Challenges

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

The contractor began preparations for bridge demolition on Monday. The crew successfully removed the rails and started breaking the deck, initiating the removal of the south side of the bridge deck. However, the work was halted due to high water levels, strong river currents, and the displacement of the in-stream turbidity curtain caused by the weekend’s rain event. Continuous rain throughout the week further deterred the crews from proceeding with the demolition.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

The contractor plans to continue the bridge demolition as soon as the water level returns to safe working conditions.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Bridge Preparation and Initial Construction Progress

Week in Review: Accomplishments and Progress

This past week, progress was made on the Oak Spring Road Bridge Replacement project. The contractor successfully set up the detour and closed Oak Spring Road to through traffic. Essential preparatory activities included the removal of guardrail, fencing, and access gate. Additionally, tree stumps were removed, and brush clearing and grubbing were completed, ensuring a clear site for further construction. Erosion and sediment control devices such as silt fences, ditch checks, and inlet protections were installed to manage runoff and protect the environment. Temporary fencing was also erected for site security. The contractor performed saw cutting of the bridge and installed a turbidity curtain in the Des Plaines River to mitigate water pollution during demolition.

Looking Ahead: Planned Activities

In the upcoming week, the contractor will focus on preparing for the bridge demolition. This phase is crucial for clearing the old structure and making way for the new bridge.

Community Impact: What to Expect

With the road closure now in effect, residents should be aware that Oak Spring Road from east of the Des Plaines River Trail to west of Hawthorn Lane is closed to traffic for the duration of the project. This closure is necessary to ensure the safety of both the workers and the public. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as work to improve the community’s infrastructure continues. Residents are encouraged to stay informed about the project’s progress and any anticipated changes in traffic patterns.

Construction Scheduled to Begin Next Week

The Oak Spring Road Bridge Replacement project is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 8, 2024.

Due to the scope and nature of the bridge replacement project, Oak Spring Road will be closed for the duration of construction from the Des Plaines River Trail to the west and the private driveway at 15463 Oak Spring Road to the east. Local traffic will be permitted from Appley Avenue/2nd Street to the full closure, and from St. Mary’s Road to the full closure. While Lake Minear parking, Des Plaines River Trail path, and all residential driveways and side streets will remain accessible throughout the construction period, the Des Plaines River Trail path spur and LCFPD Canoe Launch parking lot will be closed. The project is anticipated to be completed in fall 2025.

The project involves the full removal and replacement of the existing bridge, originally constructed in 1967, along with pavement reconstruction on the east and west approaches. The new structure will feature a single 12-foot travel lane in each direction, a 3-foot shoulder, and an 8-foot pathway on both sides of the traveled way.

In accordance with the Libertyville Township Road District policies, daily working hours for the construction project are from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday. There is currently no work anticipated on Sundays or legal, observed holidays.